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2020-10-30 - Happening At The Museum


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Curator’s Cabinet Pick of the Month -  1880, 1900 and 1920 Censuses for the Township of Ocean

These three census documents give us a snapshot of the people who lived and worked in Ocean Township in the eighteen and nineteen hundreds. Census takers or “enumerators” went from house to house to interview residents and record information about their family structure and lives. Well-known local names can be found on the rolls, such as Dangler, King, Mount, and WoolleyMore.

Historic Happenings Blog

    Well, amazingly, we have been able to amend our Historic Happenings Blog and bring it to you again. Our Historic Happenings Blog continues to let you know what fun and interesting things are available on-line from various Museums around New Jersey. More

    In addition, many Museums are starting to have events scheduled again.  See Our Historic Happenings Blog pages for 

    What is Happening at the

    Township of Ocean Historical Museum

    upcoming events

    We will continue to update with additional things to do and see at home.  If you have a suggestion for something you would like to see, please let us know. 

    Enjoy and stay safe.

    Join our E-Mail List(s)

    View the AtHome On-Line Museum

    The Township of Ocean Historical Museum, founded in 1984, is a member-supported, 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey. Its headquarters, the Eden Woolley House, is one of the few 18th century structures still in existence in the Township and is open to the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (1 p.m. to 4 p.m.), Thursday Evenings (7 p.m. to 9 p.m. March 15 through December 15) and the first and second Sundays of each month (1p.m. to 4 p.m.). The Township of Ocean Historical Museum offers exhibits on the history of coastal Monmouth County and a full calendar of events. The Museum is also 100% volunteer supported, with no paid staff. The Museum maintains a library and archive, which houses manuscripts, books, and photographs of historical and genealogical interest. For more information, please call 732-531-2136 or visit our website at

    PLEASE NOTE: At the present time, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Museum will only be open on all Sunday afternoons, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm or by appointment.  We will be adding days in the future and will continue to keep you advised.

    Web Site:

    or our other web locations listed below.

    Funding for the Township of Ocean Historical Museum provided by the New Jersey Cultural Trust.
    Funding for the Township of Ocean Historical Museum provided by the New Jersey Cultural Trust.
    Funding has been made possible in part by an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a Division of the Department of State, through grant funds administered by the Monmouth County Historical Commission
    Painting and repair of the exterior of the Stucile Farms Dairy Barn have been accomplished with 2018 financial assistance from The 1772 Foundation in cooperation with and administrated by the New Jersey Historic Trust.

    Painting and repair of the exterior of the Stucile Farms Water Tower have been accomplished with 2016 financial assistance from The 1772 Foundation in cooperation with and administrated by the New Jersey Historic Trust.

    Painting and repair of the exterior of the Eden Woolley House Farms Water Tower have been accomplished with 2014 financial assistance from The 1772 Foundation in cooperation with and administrated by the New Jersey Historic Trust.

    October 30, 2020

    Township of Ocean Historical Museum
    "An open door to the history of coastal Monmouth County"
    Located in the Historic Eden Wooley House
    Address: 703 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ 07712
    Mailing: P.O. Box 516, Oakhurst, NJ 07755-0516



    Web Site:

    Links to Our Web Sites
    Copyright © 2008-2020 by the Township of Ocean Historical Museum, All Rights Reserved.

    You are receiving this email because you are a member of the Township of Ocean Historical Museum or you have attended one of our events where you gave us your e-mail address.

    Our mailing address is:
    Township of Ocean Historical Museum, P.O. Box 516, Oakhurst, NJ 07755-0516

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    Township of Ocean Historical Museum · 703 Deal Road · Ocean, NJ 07712 · USA

    Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

    2020-10-23 - Happening At The Museum


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    In case you missed Thursday night's Zoom meeting (or just want to see it again) Jim Foley, Borough of Deal Historian and President of the Long Branch Historical Museum Association Board of Trustees presented a ZOOM meeting on Wednesday,. October, 21st to members and guests of the Township of Ocean Historical Museum.  He walked us through the history of the St. James Chapel (Church of the Presidents) which was constructed in 1879 and is located in the Elberon section of Long Branch. In addition to discussing the seven presidents who worshipped there, Jim will talk about the "Summer Capital" during our nation's Gilded Age and the role Edgar Dinkelspiel played in saving this National Treasure from the wrecking ball. More.

    Historic Happenings Blog

      Well, amazingly, we have been able to amend our Historic Happenings Blog and bring it to you again. Our Historic Happenings Blog continues to let you know what fun and interesting things are available on-line from various Museums around New Jersey. More

      In addition, many Museums are starting to have events scheduled again.  See Our Historic Happenings Blog pages for 

      What is Happening at the

      Township of Ocean Historical Museum

      upcoming events

      We will continue to update with additional things to do and see at home.  If you have a suggestion for something you would like to see, please let us know. 

      Enjoy and stay safe.

      Join our E-Mail List(s)

      View the AtHome On-Line Museum

      The Township of Ocean Historical Museum, founded in 1984, is a member-supported, 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey. Its headquarters, the Eden Woolley House, is one of the few 18th century structures still in existence in the Township and is open to the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (1 p.m. to 4 p.m.), Thursday Evenings (7 p.m. to 9 p.m. March 15 through December 15) and the first and second Sundays of each month (1p.m. to 4 p.m.). The Township of Ocean Historical Museum offers exhibits on the history of coastal Monmouth County and a full calendar of events. The Museum is also 100% volunteer supported, with no paid staff. The Museum maintains a library and archive, which houses manuscripts, books, and photographs of historical and genealogical interest. For more information, please call 732-531-2136 or visit our website at

      PLEASE NOTE: At the present time, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Museum will only be open on all Sunday afternoons, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm or by appointment.  We will be adding days in the future and will continue to keep you advised.

      Web Site:

      or our other web locations listed below.

      Funding for the Township of Ocean Historical Museum provided by the New Jersey Cultural Trust.
      Funding for the Township of Ocean Historical Museum provided by the New Jersey Cultural Trust.
      Funding has been made possible in part by an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a Division of the Department of State, through grant funds administered by the Monmouth County Historical Commission
      Painting and repair of the exterior of the Stucile Farms Dairy Barn have been accomplished with 2018 financial assistance from The 1772 Foundation in cooperation with and administrated by the New Jersey Historic Trust.

      Painting and repair of the exterior of the Stucile Farms Water Tower have been accomplished with 2016 financial assistance from The 1772 Foundation in cooperation with and administrated by the New Jersey Historic Trust.

      Painting and repair of the exterior of the Eden Woolley House Farms Water Tower have been accomplished with 2014 financial assistance from The 1772 Foundation in cooperation with and administrated by the New Jersey Historic Trust.

      October 23, 2020

      Township of Ocean Historical Museum
      "An open door to the history of coastal Monmouth County"
      Located in the Historic Eden Wooley House
      Address: 703 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ 07712
      Mailing: P.O. Box 516, Oakhurst, NJ 07755-0516



      Web Site:

      Links to Our Web Sites
      Copyright © 2008-2020 by the Township of Ocean Historical Museum, All Rights Reserved.

      You are receiving this email because you are a member of the Township of Ocean Historical Museum or you have attended one of our events where you gave us your e-mail address.

      Our mailing address is:
      Township of Ocean Historical Museum, P.O. Box 516, Oakhurst, NJ 07755-0516

      Want to change how you receive these emails?
      You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

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      Township of Ocean Historical Museum · 703 Deal Road · Ocean, NJ 07712 · USA

      Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp