2016 Spirit of the Jerseys State History Fair
Saturday, May 14, 2016, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Monmouth Battlefield State Park, 16 Business Route 33, Manalapan, NJ 07726
We hope you have marked your calendar for Saturday, May 14th and this year’s SPIRIT of the JERSEYS State History Fair. Now in its 12th year, the Fair will again be held at Monmouth Battlefield State Park, Manalapan, NJ, Rain or Shine.
The 2016 Fair will feature some familiar faces from the past like Clara Barton, George Washington and Walt Whitman as well as such favorite activities as 19th baseball, horse-drawn plowing demonstrations, Phydeaux’s flying flea circus and period music.
New to the Fair will be several Civil War themed programs to coincide with the exhibit of President Lincoln’s casket. This replica casket, manufactured by the Batesville Casket Company of Indiana, will be on display in the park’s Visitor Center. A local Civil War reenactment unit, the 14th NJ Volunteers, Co. H, will provide an honor guard for the casket and the Fort Delaware Cornet Band will perform music of the era on period instruments. Darrel Ford, portraying Walt Whitman, will read his poem, “Oh Captain, My Captain”, a tribute to President Lincoln. Kenneth Serfass , who will portray General Ulysses S. Grant, will reflect on his relationship and career with the late Commander in Chief.
Another exciting new program will be a fictional U.S. Army radio and live show, “SPAM Time”, which is modeled on actual entertainment presented to U.S. military personnel from WWII to the Viet Nam War era. A full day of pre-recorded and live musical entertainment will be presented.
There is something for everyone - so come on out and enjoy the Fair! It’s a fun-filled experience for the whole family! You don’t want to miss it.
2016 Weekend In Old Monmouth
Weekend In Old Monmouth
April 30, 2016, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
May 1, 2016, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Eden Woolley House, 703 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ 07712
'Weekend in Old Monmouth’
tour returns April 30 and May 1
Fees waived for visitors at historical sites
FREEHOLD, NJ – The annual “Weekend in Old Monmouth” returns with 43 historic sites throughout Monmouth County opening their doors to visitors interested in local history on Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1.
“Weekend in Old Monmouth is a wonderful event for anyone interested in our rich history and unique architecture,” said Freeholder Lillian G. Burry, liaison to the County’s Historical Commission, coordinator of the weekend event. “The sites on the tour are generally operated independently of one another, but for two days the entrance fees are waived and the hours of operation are the same at these historic gems.”
The Weekend in Monmouth tour sites will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 30 and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 1, unless otherwise noted.
Five sites have been added to the 2016 Weekend in Old Monmouth tour:
•Allentown Presbyterian Church (c. 1837) in Allentown is surrounded by a historic cemetery, the final resting place of NJ Governor William A. Newell, founder of the U.S. Life Saving Service.
•Baird House (c. 1830) in Millstone Twp. was built and lived in by Thomas Baird who was one of the original founders and first vice-president of the Monmouth County Agricultural Society and was elected as a Monmouth County Chosen Freeholder.
•Montrose Schoolhouse (c. 1812) in Colts Neck is the last of the township's six one-room schoolhouses and it retains its original architectural profile.
•Parker Homestead (c. 1740s) in Little Silver was home to eight generations of Joseph Parker’s descendants. Visitors can view a restoration in progress.
•St. Peter’s Church (c. 1770s) in Freehold Borough is the oldest public building in continuous use in the town and has ties to the Battle of Monmouth.
The self-guided tour has recommended routes that guide history buffs travel by foot, bicycle or car to the various locations. So, start planning your route by previewing the tour sites on the County's website at www.visitmonmouth.com.
The annual Weekend in Old Monmouth tour is coordinated by the Monmouth County Historical Commission (Historical Commission). The Historical Commission is dedicated to the preservation of the County's rich historic heritage. As advocates for the preservation of historic properties, sites and projects, the Commission encourages citizens to be involved as well.
In mid-April, the 2016 detailed tour book and tour map will be available on the Monmouth County website at www.visitmonmouth.com. On the tour dates, each tour stop will also have maps and booklets available. For more information, email history@co.monmouth.nj.us.
In addition to Weekend in Old Monmouth, the Historical Commission provides matching grants for municipal and non-profit historic preservation projects, recognizes individuals and groups for efforts to preserve historic sites and resources and offers an essay contest for fifth-grade students.
The Historical Commission was established by the Board of Chosen Freeholders in 1988.
The following sites will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 30 and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 1:
Tour Sites
All Saints Memorial Church
202 Navesink Avenue, Navesink, NJ 07752
Phone: 732-291-0214
Website: www.allsaintsnavesink.org
Contact: Rev. Pastor Piggins, Interim Rector or
Mary Baechle, Parish Administrator
E-mail: office@allsaintsnavesink.org
The Historic Village at Allaire/Allaire State Park
4265 Atlantic Avenue, Farmingdale, NJ 07727
Phone: 732-919-3500
Website: www.allairevillage.org
Organization: Allaire Village, Inc.
Note: Although both are located in Allaire State Park,the historic village operates separately from the Pine Creek Railroad.
Free admission to the Historic Village only.
Contact: Shannon Gance
E-mail: info@allairevillage.org
Allen House
400 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
Organization: Monmouth County Historical Association
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Allentown Presbyterian Church
20 High Street, Allentown, NJ 08501
Phone: (609) 259-7289
Website: http://www.allentownpresbyterian.org/
Organization: Allentown Presbyterian Church
E-Mail: joan@allentownpresbyterian.org
Thomas Baird Homestead/Cultural Resource Center
24 Baird Road, Millstone, NJ 08535
Phone: 609-915-3444
Organization: Friends of Millstone Township Historic Registered Properties
E-mail: mtfriendsofhistory@gmail.com
Battle of Monmouth Monument
71 Court Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-431-7460 x7413
Contact: Randall Gabriellan
Burrowes Mansion Museum
94 Main Street, Matawan, NJ 07747
Phone 732-566-5605
Website: www.BurrowesMansion.org
Contact: Robert Montfort, President of Society,
E-mail: rwmontfort@aol.com
Phone: 732-583-3846
Centennial Cottage
McClintock & Central Aves. Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
Phone: 732-774-1869
Website: www.oceangrovehistory.org
Organization: Historical Society of Ocean Grove
Contact: Anna Critelli
E-mail: info@oceangrovehistory.org
Christ Church
380 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Phone: 732-741-2220
Website: www.christchurchshrewsbury.org
Contact: Robert Kelly
E-mail: christchurchshrewsbury@verizon.net
Covenhoven House
150 West Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Dr. Robert W. Cooke’s Medical Office
67 McCampbell Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Phone: 732-946-2743
Website: www.holmdelhistory.org/DrCookes.html
Organization: Holmdel Historical Society
Contact: George Joynson, President,
E-mail: gj@gjoynson.com
Eatontown Historical Museum
Read House, 75 Broad Street, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Phone: 732-542-4026, (please leave a message)
Website: www.EatontownHistoricalMuseum.org
Contact: Kathy English, 732-389-2959
E-Mail: EatontownHistorian@gmail.com
Phone: 732-542-4026 (please leave a message)
Eden Woolley House
Township of Ocean Historical Museum, 703 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ 07712
Phone: 732-531-2136
Website: www.oceanmuseum.org
Contact: Paul Edelson
E-mail: OceanMuseum@verizon.net
First Presbyterian Church
Four E. River Road, Rumson, NJ 07760
Phone: 732-842-0429
Website: www.rumsonpresbyterian.org
Contact: Rev. John Monroe, Pastor,
Betty Anne Berube, Ad. Asst.
E-mail: bettyann@rumsonpresbyterian.org
Friends Meeting House
Shrewsbury Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
375 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Website: www.shrewsburyquakers.org
Email: Gordon4052@gmail.com
Great Auditorium
21 Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
Phone: 732-775-0035
Website: www.oceangrove.org
Organization: The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association
PO Box 248, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
E-mail: information@oceangrove.org
Historic Longstreet Farm
44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Phone: 732-946-3758
Website: www.monmouthcountyparks.com
Contact: Sandy Byard
E-mail: sandy.byard@co.monmouth.nj.us
Historic Walnford
62 Walnford Road, Upper Freehold Twp, NJ 08514
Phone: 609-259-6275
Website: www.monmouthcountyparks.com
Contact: Sarah Bent
E-mail: sarah.bent@co.monmouth,nj.us
Holmes-Hendrickson House
62 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
Organization: Monmouth County Historical Association
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
InfoAge Science Center (Camp Evans)
2201 Marconi Road, Wall, NJ 07719
Phone: 732-280-3000
Website: www.infoage.org
Contact: Fred Carl, Director
E-mail: fred-carl@infoage.org
Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County
310 Mounts Corner Drive, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732 252-6990
This site is open only Sunday, May 1
Website: www.jhmomc.org
Organization: Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County
Contact: Michael Berman
E-mail: michael.berman@cbmoves.com
Keyport Fire Museum and Edcaton Center
86 Broad Street , Keyport, NJ 07735
Phone: 732 739-5362
Website: www.keyportfd.org
Organization: Keyport Historical Society
Contact: Tom Gallo, Pres. 732 264-1581
E-mail: tdg1cnj@yahoo.com
Marlpit Hall
137 Kings Highway, Middletown, NJ 07748
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
Organization: Monmouth County Historical Association
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Monmouth Battlefield State Park
16 State Business Route 33, Manalapan, NJ 07726
347 Freehold-Englishtown Road, Manalapan, NJ 07726
Phone: 732-462-9616
Website: www.monmouthbattlefield.nj.gov
Contact: Mark Pitchell, Superintendant
E-mail: Mark.pitchell@dep.state.nj.us
Monmouth County Historical Association
Museum & Library
70 Court Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Montrose Schoolhouse
13 Cedar Drive, Colts Neck, NJ 07722
Phone: 908-692-8546
Website: http://www.colts-neck.nj/administration/committees/historic-preservation
Contact: Patty Eastman
E-mail: montcelo@optonline.net
National Guard Militia Museum
Sea Girt Avenue & Camp Drive, P.O Box 277, Sea Girt, NJ 08750
Phone: 732-974-5966
The NGMMNJ is located in the National Guard Training Center (NGTC)
Adults need to show driver license or other identification to the NGTC gate guard.
Website: www.nj.gov/military/museum/index.html
Contact: Curator, 1st Lt Vincent Solomeno, or
Assistant Curators, Joe Bilby and Carol Fowler
E-mail: vincent.solomeno.mil@mail.mil
E-mail: jgbilby44@aol.com
E-mail: carol.r.fowler@us.army.mail
Oakley Farm House
189B Oakley Drive, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-577-9766
Website: www.ftheritage.org
Organization: Freehold Township Historic Preservation Commission
Contact: Cheryl Cook, Manager
E-mail: ftheritage1686@yahoo.com
Ocean Grove Historical Museum
50 Pitman Avenue, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
Phone: 732-774-1869
Website: www.oceangrovehistory.org
Contact: Anna Critelli
E-mail: info@oceangrovehistory.org
Old First Church (Middletown Baptist)
69 Kings Highway, Middletown, NJ 07748
Phone: 732 671-1905
Website: www.oldfirstchurchnj.org
Contact: Rev. Joyce Antila Phipps, (cell, 908-337-1716)
E-mail: ofc@oldfirstchurch.org
Old Tennent Church
450 Tennent Road, Tennent, NJ 07763
Phone: 732-446-6299
Web site: www.oldtennentchurch.org
Contact: Pastor, Rev. Mrs. Barbara McDonald.
E-mail address: ot.church@verizon.net
Old Wall Historical Society
Allgor/Barkalow Homestead and the Blansingburg Schoolhouse Museum
1701 New Bedford Road, Wall, NJ 07719
Contact: De Hearn, Museum Director,
732-681-3806 or 732-449-7888
Fran Bruno, President, 732-528-9443
E-mail: dehj@optonline.net
Old Yellow Meeting House
70 Yellow Meeting House Road, Upper Freehold Twp., NJ 08514
Phone: 609-426-4450
Website: www.oymh.org
Contact: John Fabiano
E-mail: alltwnufhistsoc@aol.com
Parker Homestead -1665
235 Rumson Road, Little Silver, NJ 07739
Phone: 732-938-2212 (leave message)
Website: http://www.parkerhomestead-1665.org
Contact: Keith Wells
E-mail: keithbwells@gmail.com
Roosevelt Borough Historic District (Jersey Homesteads)
2A School Lane, Roosevelt, NJ 08555
Phone: 609-947-0491
Website: www.web2sons.org (unofficial)
Contact: Michael L. Ticktin, Borough Historian
E-mail: mticktin@aol.com
St. Catherine Church
214 Essex Avenue, Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Phone: 732-449-5765, ext. 169
Please respect any Church events that may be in progress during a weekend visit.
Website: www.stcatharine-stmargaret.com
Contact: Barbara Harrigan, 732-974-1423
E-mail: stcatharine@Bytheshore.com
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
31 Throckmorton Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-431-8383
Website: http://www.stpetersfreehold.org
Contact: Frances Hurley, Buildings Manager
E-mail: buildings@stpetersfreehold.org
Seabright Lawn Tennis & Cricket Club
5 Tennis Court Lane, Rumson, NJ 07760
Phone: 732-245-4555
Website: www.sltcc.org
Contact: Betsy Ford
E-mail: betsyford@comcast.net
Seabrook-Wilson House, Bayshore Waterfront Park
719 Port Monmouth Road, Port Monmouth, NJ 07758
Phone: 732-787-3033
Website: www.monmouthcountyparks.com
Organization: Monmouth County Park System
Contact: Gail Hunton
E-mail: ghunton@monmouthcountyparks.com
Shrewsbury Historical Museum, Municipal Complex
419 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Phone: 732-530-7974
Organization: Shewsbury Historical Society
Contact: Don Burden, President, 732-747-3635
E-Mail: donaldburden@verizon.net
Strauss Mansion Museum
27 Prospect Circle, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Phone: 732-291-1861 (leave message)
Website: www.atlantichighlandshistory.com
Organization: Atlantic Highlands Historical Society
Contact: Ken Frantz, President
E-mail: ahhsinfo@yahoo.com
Taylor-Butler House
127 Kings Highway, Middletown, NJ 07748
Phone: 732-462-1466
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
Organization: Monmouth County Historical Association
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Village Inn
Two Water Street, Englishtown, NJ 07726
Phone: 908-907-3523
Website: www.thevillageinn.org
Organization: Battleground Historical Society
Contact: Hans Kernast
E-mail: hkernast@yahoo.com
West Freehold School Museum
209 Wemrock Road, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-577-9766 (including fax)
Website: www.ftheritage.org
Organization: Freehold Township Historic Preservation Commission
April 30, 2016, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
May 1, 2016, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Eden Woolley House, 703 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ 07712
'Weekend in Old Monmouth’
tour returns April 30 and May 1
Fees waived for visitors at historical sites
FREEHOLD, NJ – The annual “Weekend in Old Monmouth” returns with 43 historic sites throughout Monmouth County opening their doors to visitors interested in local history on Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1.
“Weekend in Old Monmouth is a wonderful event for anyone interested in our rich history and unique architecture,” said Freeholder Lillian G. Burry, liaison to the County’s Historical Commission, coordinator of the weekend event. “The sites on the tour are generally operated independently of one another, but for two days the entrance fees are waived and the hours of operation are the same at these historic gems.”
The Weekend in Monmouth tour sites will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 30 and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 1, unless otherwise noted.
Five sites have been added to the 2016 Weekend in Old Monmouth tour:
•Allentown Presbyterian Church (c. 1837) in Allentown is surrounded by a historic cemetery, the final resting place of NJ Governor William A. Newell, founder of the U.S. Life Saving Service.
•Baird House (c. 1830) in Millstone Twp. was built and lived in by Thomas Baird who was one of the original founders and first vice-president of the Monmouth County Agricultural Society and was elected as a Monmouth County Chosen Freeholder.
•Montrose Schoolhouse (c. 1812) in Colts Neck is the last of the township's six one-room schoolhouses and it retains its original architectural profile.
•Parker Homestead (c. 1740s) in Little Silver was home to eight generations of Joseph Parker’s descendants. Visitors can view a restoration in progress.
•St. Peter’s Church (c. 1770s) in Freehold Borough is the oldest public building in continuous use in the town and has ties to the Battle of Monmouth.
The self-guided tour has recommended routes that guide history buffs travel by foot, bicycle or car to the various locations. So, start planning your route by previewing the tour sites on the County's website at www.visitmonmouth.com.
The annual Weekend in Old Monmouth tour is coordinated by the Monmouth County Historical Commission (Historical Commission). The Historical Commission is dedicated to the preservation of the County's rich historic heritage. As advocates for the preservation of historic properties, sites and projects, the Commission encourages citizens to be involved as well.
In mid-April, the 2016 detailed tour book and tour map will be available on the Monmouth County website at www.visitmonmouth.com. On the tour dates, each tour stop will also have maps and booklets available. For more information, email history@co.monmouth.nj.us.
In addition to Weekend in Old Monmouth, the Historical Commission provides matching grants for municipal and non-profit historic preservation projects, recognizes individuals and groups for efforts to preserve historic sites and resources and offers an essay contest for fifth-grade students.
The Historical Commission was established by the Board of Chosen Freeholders in 1988.
The following sites will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 30 and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 1:
Tour Sites
All Saints Memorial Church
202 Navesink Avenue, Navesink, NJ 07752
Phone: 732-291-0214
Website: www.allsaintsnavesink.org
Contact: Rev. Pastor Piggins, Interim Rector or
Mary Baechle, Parish Administrator
E-mail: office@allsaintsnavesink.org
The Historic Village at Allaire/Allaire State Park
4265 Atlantic Avenue, Farmingdale, NJ 07727
Phone: 732-919-3500
Website: www.allairevillage.org
Organization: Allaire Village, Inc.
Note: Although both are located in Allaire State Park,the historic village operates separately from the Pine Creek Railroad.
Free admission to the Historic Village only.
Contact: Shannon Gance
E-mail: info@allairevillage.org
Allen House
400 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
Organization: Monmouth County Historical Association
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Allentown Presbyterian Church
20 High Street, Allentown, NJ 08501
Phone: (609) 259-7289
Website: http://www.allentownpresbyterian.org/
Organization: Allentown Presbyterian Church
E-Mail: joan@allentownpresbyterian.org
Thomas Baird Homestead/Cultural Resource Center
24 Baird Road, Millstone, NJ 08535
Phone: 609-915-3444
Organization: Friends of Millstone Township Historic Registered Properties
E-mail: mtfriendsofhistory@gmail.com
Battle of Monmouth Monument
71 Court Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-431-7460 x7413
Contact: Randall Gabriellan
Burrowes Mansion Museum
94 Main Street, Matawan, NJ 07747
Phone 732-566-5605
Website: www.BurrowesMansion.org
Contact: Robert Montfort, President of Society,
E-mail: rwmontfort@aol.com
Phone: 732-583-3846
Centennial Cottage
McClintock & Central Aves. Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
Phone: 732-774-1869
Website: www.oceangrovehistory.org
Organization: Historical Society of Ocean Grove
Contact: Anna Critelli
E-mail: info@oceangrovehistory.org
Christ Church
380 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Phone: 732-741-2220
Website: www.christchurchshrewsbury.org
Contact: Robert Kelly
E-mail: christchurchshrewsbury@verizon.net
Covenhoven House
150 West Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Dr. Robert W. Cooke’s Medical Office
67 McCampbell Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Phone: 732-946-2743
Website: www.holmdelhistory.org/DrCookes.html
Organization: Holmdel Historical Society
Contact: George Joynson, President,
E-mail: gj@gjoynson.com
Eatontown Historical Museum
Read House, 75 Broad Street, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Phone: 732-542-4026, (please leave a message)
Website: www.EatontownHistoricalMuseum.org
Contact: Kathy English, 732-389-2959
E-Mail: EatontownHistorian@gmail.com
Phone: 732-542-4026 (please leave a message)
Eden Woolley House
Township of Ocean Historical Museum, 703 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ 07712
Phone: 732-531-2136
Website: www.oceanmuseum.org
Contact: Paul Edelson
E-mail: OceanMuseum@verizon.net
First Presbyterian Church
Four E. River Road, Rumson, NJ 07760
Phone: 732-842-0429
Website: www.rumsonpresbyterian.org
Contact: Rev. John Monroe, Pastor,
Betty Anne Berube, Ad. Asst.
E-mail: bettyann@rumsonpresbyterian.org
Friends Meeting House
Shrewsbury Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
375 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Website: www.shrewsburyquakers.org
Email: Gordon4052@gmail.com
Great Auditorium
21 Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
Phone: 732-775-0035
Website: www.oceangrove.org
Organization: The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association
PO Box 248, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
E-mail: information@oceangrove.org
Historic Longstreet Farm
44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Phone: 732-946-3758
Website: www.monmouthcountyparks.com
Contact: Sandy Byard
E-mail: sandy.byard@co.monmouth.nj.us
Historic Walnford
62 Walnford Road, Upper Freehold Twp, NJ 08514
Phone: 609-259-6275
Website: www.monmouthcountyparks.com
Contact: Sarah Bent
E-mail: sarah.bent@co.monmouth,nj.us
Holmes-Hendrickson House
62 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
Organization: Monmouth County Historical Association
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
InfoAge Science Center (Camp Evans)
2201 Marconi Road, Wall, NJ 07719
Phone: 732-280-3000
Website: www.infoage.org
Contact: Fred Carl, Director
E-mail: fred-carl@infoage.org
Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County
310 Mounts Corner Drive, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732 252-6990
This site is open only Sunday, May 1
Website: www.jhmomc.org
Organization: Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County
Contact: Michael Berman
E-mail: michael.berman@cbmoves.com
Keyport Fire Museum and Edcaton Center
86 Broad Street , Keyport, NJ 07735
Phone: 732 739-5362
Website: www.keyportfd.org
Organization: Keyport Historical Society
Contact: Tom Gallo, Pres. 732 264-1581
E-mail: tdg1cnj@yahoo.com
Marlpit Hall
137 Kings Highway, Middletown, NJ 07748
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
Organization: Monmouth County Historical Association
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Monmouth Battlefield State Park
16 State Business Route 33, Manalapan, NJ 07726
347 Freehold-Englishtown Road, Manalapan, NJ 07726
Phone: 732-462-9616
Website: www.monmouthbattlefield.nj.gov
Contact: Mark Pitchell, Superintendant
E-mail: Mark.pitchell@dep.state.nj.us
Monmouth County Historical Association
Museum & Library
70 Court Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-462-1466 (MCHA)
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Montrose Schoolhouse
13 Cedar Drive, Colts Neck, NJ 07722
Phone: 908-692-8546
Website: http://www.colts-neck.nj/administration/committees/historic-preservation
Contact: Patty Eastman
E-mail: montcelo@optonline.net
National Guard Militia Museum
Sea Girt Avenue & Camp Drive, P.O Box 277, Sea Girt, NJ 08750
Phone: 732-974-5966
The NGMMNJ is located in the National Guard Training Center (NGTC)
Adults need to show driver license or other identification to the NGTC gate guard.
Website: www.nj.gov/military/museum/index.html
Contact: Curator, 1st Lt Vincent Solomeno, or
Assistant Curators, Joe Bilby and Carol Fowler
E-mail: vincent.solomeno.mil@mail.mil
E-mail: jgbilby44@aol.com
E-mail: carol.r.fowler@us.army.mail
Oakley Farm House
189B Oakley Drive, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-577-9766
Website: www.ftheritage.org
Organization: Freehold Township Historic Preservation Commission
Contact: Cheryl Cook, Manager
E-mail: ftheritage1686@yahoo.com
Ocean Grove Historical Museum
50 Pitman Avenue, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
Phone: 732-774-1869
Website: www.oceangrovehistory.org
Contact: Anna Critelli
E-mail: info@oceangrovehistory.org
Old First Church (Middletown Baptist)
69 Kings Highway, Middletown, NJ 07748
Phone: 732 671-1905
Website: www.oldfirstchurchnj.org
Contact: Rev. Joyce Antila Phipps, (cell, 908-337-1716)
E-mail: ofc@oldfirstchurch.org
Old Tennent Church
450 Tennent Road, Tennent, NJ 07763
Phone: 732-446-6299
Web site: www.oldtennentchurch.org
Contact: Pastor, Rev. Mrs. Barbara McDonald.
E-mail address: ot.church@verizon.net
Old Wall Historical Society
Allgor/Barkalow Homestead and the Blansingburg Schoolhouse Museum
1701 New Bedford Road, Wall, NJ 07719
Contact: De Hearn, Museum Director,
732-681-3806 or 732-449-7888
Fran Bruno, President, 732-528-9443
E-mail: dehj@optonline.net
Old Yellow Meeting House
70 Yellow Meeting House Road, Upper Freehold Twp., NJ 08514
Phone: 609-426-4450
Website: www.oymh.org
Contact: John Fabiano
E-mail: alltwnufhistsoc@aol.com
Parker Homestead -1665
235 Rumson Road, Little Silver, NJ 07739
Phone: 732-938-2212 (leave message)
Website: http://www.parkerhomestead-1665.org
Contact: Keith Wells
E-mail: keithbwells@gmail.com
Roosevelt Borough Historic District (Jersey Homesteads)
2A School Lane, Roosevelt, NJ 08555
Phone: 609-947-0491
Website: www.web2sons.org (unofficial)
Contact: Michael L. Ticktin, Borough Historian
E-mail: mticktin@aol.com
St. Catherine Church
214 Essex Avenue, Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Phone: 732-449-5765, ext. 169
Please respect any Church events that may be in progress during a weekend visit.
Website: www.stcatharine-stmargaret.com
Contact: Barbara Harrigan, 732-974-1423
E-mail: stcatharine@Bytheshore.com
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
31 Throckmorton Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-431-8383
Website: http://www.stpetersfreehold.org
Contact: Frances Hurley, Buildings Manager
E-mail: buildings@stpetersfreehold.org
Seabright Lawn Tennis & Cricket Club
5 Tennis Court Lane, Rumson, NJ 07760
Phone: 732-245-4555
Website: www.sltcc.org
Contact: Betsy Ford
E-mail: betsyford@comcast.net
Seabrook-Wilson House, Bayshore Waterfront Park
719 Port Monmouth Road, Port Monmouth, NJ 07758
Phone: 732-787-3033
Website: www.monmouthcountyparks.com
Organization: Monmouth County Park System
Contact: Gail Hunton
E-mail: ghunton@monmouthcountyparks.com
Shrewsbury Historical Museum, Municipal Complex
419 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Phone: 732-530-7974
Organization: Shewsbury Historical Society
Contact: Don Burden, President, 732-747-3635
E-Mail: donaldburden@verizon.net
Strauss Mansion Museum
27 Prospect Circle, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Phone: 732-291-1861 (leave message)
Website: www.atlantichighlandshistory.com
Organization: Atlantic Highlands Historical Society
Contact: Ken Frantz, President
E-mail: ahhsinfo@yahoo.com
Taylor-Butler House
127 Kings Highway, Middletown, NJ 07748
Phone: 732-462-1466
Website: www.monmouthhistory.org
Organization: Monmouth County Historical Association
E-mail: info@monmouthhistory.org
Village Inn
Two Water Street, Englishtown, NJ 07726
Phone: 908-907-3523
Website: www.thevillageinn.org
Organization: Battleground Historical Society
Contact: Hans Kernast
E-mail: hkernast@yahoo.com
West Freehold School Museum
209 Wemrock Road, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-577-9766 (including fax)
Website: www.ftheritage.org
Organization: Freehold Township Historic Preservation Commission
12th Annual Spring Tea
Saturday April 23, 2016 at 2:00pm to 4:00 pm
West Park Recreation Center, 615 West Park Avenue, Oakhurst, NJ 07755
Township of Ocean Historical Museum will hold it's 12th Annual Spring Tea, which will take place on Saturday, April 23rd from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Seating will begin at 1:30 pm. The Tea will be held at the West Park Recreation Center in Oakhurst, NJ 07755. Tickets ($25) are available starting March 1. Call 732-531-2136 to reserve your space. Single tickets are available, but the most fun is coming with friends and reserving tables for four or eight!
All food is prepared by Museum volunteers and includes: tea sandwiches, breads, desserts and scones with whipped cream, butter and jam along with a variety of teas. There will be a gift auction, a boutique of hand quilted crafts and doll clothes, and entertainment. Prizes will be awarded for a fancy hat contest, so plan on wearing a hat.
ALL TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE. EVERY YEAR IS A SELL OUT SO DON'T WAIT TO GET YOUR TICKETS. Please buy your tickets early. They must be purchased in advance--none are sold at the door.
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